Italy. PR car. Bianco Polo Park/blue. One of the first 2nd series cars (maybe #107.1000?). Used as photo car by Quattroruote in October 1966 (test car was a 1st series, 298). Quattroruote used to indicate the chassis numbers of their test cars, but as the pictured car wasn‘t identical to the tested car, they renounced doing so. Car featured also on the cover of Italian magazine Motor in July 1966, but was described in an earlier edition. Note absence of chassis plate. On other early series II cars, it‘s attached vertically, like on series I cars. Probably the Rimini show car in August 1966 which was also white (only 15 produced in Bianco Polo Park white).

White press car (in Quattroruote)


White press car 

White press car (in Quattroruote)

White press car 

White press car, pictured in 2nd series manual as well

White press car

White press car

White press car (in Quattroruote)

White press car (in Quattroruote)

White press car (in Quattroruote)

White press car (in Quattroruote)

White press car (in Quattroruote)

White press car (in Quattroruote)

White press car (in Quattroruote)

White press car (in Quattroruote)

White press car (in Quattroruote)

Quattroruote article

Quattroruote article

Quattroruote article

Quattroruote article

Motor cover

White press car, as used in Italian ad, 1966

White press car, as used in an American ad, 1966

White press car in a PR article

White press car in Rimini 1966
